
Artist Bio

Tiffany Nesbit is native to New Orleans, Louisiana. She received her BA in visual arts from the University of Southeastern Louisiana in 2018. While earning her bachelors, she received a certificate of creativity and innovation from Disney University in Orlando Florida in 2015. She has earned an MFA in visual arts at the University of Houston in 2022.

Nesbit currently instructs sculpture as an Adjunct Professor at San Jacinto College and 2d/3d at Lonestar College, Houston Texas. She consistently travels with her work to juried art festivals such as Bayou City Arts Festival in Houston TX., and Art in the Pass, MS. She also exhibits her work at the First Saturday Art Market on 19th Street, Houston Tx.

Her current practice is heavily influenced by childhood memories learning how to shepherd her family’s small farm in Louisiana; protecting the domestic animals on the property from monsters that come out from the woods and water systems at night. The characters in the work use humor and play to memorialize the animal’s spirits that once lived there. Nesbit uses recycled, found, and clay material as major mediums to make both sculpture and functional objects.

Where to find me?

Visit Gift Shops that Represent My Work:

-The Whimsy Artisan

-Coastal MagPie

-All the Feels

Monthly Art Markets:

-First Saturday Art Market, 19th Street.

-Art in the Woods

Contact Me Through Email First, I hate spam phone calls… turns me into Dale Gribble :)

tiffany nesbit 4 5 6 @ g mail.com

Follow The Instagram: @TiffanyAngelStudioArtist


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